Full transfer round trip Barra Grande (Maraú)
Difficulties in finding your best transfer to the Paradise of Barra Grande in the Peninsula of Maraú? You've found the best way to get there:
See how easy it is:
Start of transfers at the Airport or Hotels in the region of Salvador.
ATTENTION to go to this destination must arrive before 12:00 in Salvador; if it is not at these times it is impossible to follow the same day.
Semi Terrain Route (there is no direct boat)
- Airport in Salvador X Maritime Terminal (50min duration by car)
- Terminal Marítimo X Island of Itaparica (50min duration of boat)
- Island of Itaparica X City of Camamu (3.30h duration of car).
- Camamu X Barra Grande (duration 50min by boat)
On your way back if you go straight to the airport you should have flights that leave after 3pm, in case you are due to come early 1 day before and sleep in Salvador.
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